RE: Re: Saga system

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:46:27 -0600

>From: "Rob" <robert_m_davis_at_...>

>I'm intrigued! So what DO you play Mike? When you say 'adventures'
>are you merely referring to episodic, youlooklikehonestchaps
>adventures rather than full campaigns?

I've taken this off list, as it's getting very far from a rules discussion at this point. Anyone who has an interest, please contact me privately, or check out the HQ forum at The Forge where I've written about a bejillion words detailing these methodologies.

I should say, however, that what I do doesn't vary in appearance all that much from what other games look like. Just certain techniques that I use, etc, that allow me to fly without a plot, but in a way that causes one to come out.


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