Common Magic, Subcults

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 13:20:59 -0600 (CST)


Peter Metcalfe asked

>>That's all very well but what distinguishes a feat from
>>a spell? I know what charms and talents are but with
>>feats and spells, one enters a thick haze where in
>>effect they seem to be the same thing.

A charm is something you have.
A Feat is something you are.
A spell is someting you do.
A talent is something that is part of you.

Stephen Rennell asked

>But the rules seem to explicitly say that Devotee's can learn feats and
>affinities from other sub-cults. Does that count as "other gods" or not?

Sub cults do NOT act as "other gods."
Subcults are, like a devotee, extensions of the god to which they are subbed.

Greg Stafford

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