Re: Keith's Postumous Augments (was: Variable Augments)

From: Sam Elliot <sam.elliot1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 07:35:48 -0000

I knew Keith, or Arkeef as we liked to call him, for the best part of his last three years. In gaming terms, I count those years as some of my happiest, and recall with particular fondness some of his finer phrases, such as "Prodigious fornication", "Now beseems I must find myself a comfy notch" and "Unheroic celerity".

Arkeef would throw these phrases about with abandon, brightening some of our darker moments. Perhaps this was to relieve the strain of fitting words such as stroopleberry on to chewing gum wrappers, his pursuit in his other life. Perhaps it was just...well...Keith. Whatever it was, he moved not too long ago to Oztralia and I cannot help but feel that it was his most recent employment, working on undergarments for the discerning Oztralian woman, which finally did fer him. The strain would have killed a lesser man much sooner, but at the end we are all mortal, even the best of us.

Keith leaves behind his lovely wife and two boys. He also leaves behind, among many of us, a firm committment to game better and for longer, and in so doing to effect change for the good in our society.

Is this what you mean by a posthumous augment? Sam.

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