Re: Re: Question on a feat Deathsong Berserk

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 19:37:45 +0100

Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...> writes:

>If nothing else I like the idea that Humatki singing means that they
>know they're going to die but they're intent on killing and killing
>until they finally fall. Imagine what that means to their enemies.

I see it rather like this: the Humakti singing the Death Song must be completely and fully prepared to die. He is telling everybody within earshot that he will not stop for anything: not pain nor fear nor self-preservation nor pleas for mercy. He will go on killing for as long as he draws breath, or until all around him are dead.

I don't think it's just his enemies who would be scared by that...


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