Re: Inflation of combat values

From: Michael Bowman <bowman_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 12:26:51 -0700


On Friday, April 22, 2005, at 10:59AM, Nick Eden <nick_at_...> wrote:

>On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 11:18:14 -0400, you wrote:
>>I have noticed during play that the equipment rules in Heroquest have inflated combat
>>abilities over other abilities that do not normally use equipment. Has anyone else
>>noticed this trend.
>It's certainly there, but if combat ability is working against combat
>ability then it doesn't make so much difference - though you should
>probably inflate the combat abilities of anything you find in
>Anaxiel's Rooster.
>The problem occurs when combat abilities compete with non-combat. I
>remember the first Hero Wars game I ever played (a playtest game, at
>Convulsion 98?) in which a contest developed between some Black Oaks'
>Spear skill and an Earnaldan priestess' Enforce Correct Behaviour -
>"Would your mother approve of you attacking guests like this? And
>what's more you've done the buttons up wrong on your tunic!"

I have noticed it in just these circumstances. I handle this by not awarding equipment bonuses at all, except for a +1 or -1 for particularly good or poor equipment. If a player wants a bonus from his sword, then he can put that sword in his narrative and use it's rating to augment.

I have just started using HQ rules for an Infinite Worlds (the GURPS 4e multiverse/ time-traveling/alternate worlds setting) game. I'm trying something different here. I do assign equipment bonuses, but for guns only. This helps emphasize the scary nature of guns.

Michael Bowman

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