Re: Re: Sorcery 101: Scriptures, Formularies, Grimoires

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 09:02:49 -0800

> > * Blessings and Curses can only be
> > invoked by a Liturgist leading his
> > congregation in a service of worship
> Of course that begs the definition of 'liturgist' and 'his congregation'.
I don't have the book in front of me know so this may be defined clearly. My basic question: is this essentially a relationship formed at the moment, or is it formally instated (perhaps through a ritual).
> Ie, is 'liturgist' the same as "anyone who knows 'Use [Scripture]'"; is
'congregation' the same as "a group of people who have the same 'Worship' ability as the liturgist"? Or is do you actually have to have the ability 'Member of [Community]', with a given Community having a defined set of liturgists?

Liturgist is a Magical keyword - basically, someone who has some connection with God or a Saint and interceeds for mortals with them. What happens to a defrocked Liturgist, I don't know... The main abilities needed to be a liturgist are "Venerate God" and "Use Scripture". His congregation consists of those people attending service that day - people in church get the blessing, those that stayed home don't. The people should be fellow worshippers, of course. If you (a heortling) attend a church service with your good buddy the Seshnelan, you don't get the benefits of the blessings (for various reasons, but mostly because you don't contribute to the Chain of Veneration).

> > It's worth noting that a blessing can
> > be used any number of times while it
> > remains in effect, but a worshipper
> > can only use one blessing to augment
> > one ability in any given contest, and
> > the ability that is augmented must be
> > appropriate to the Blessing.
> Does this mean that if multiple blessing were applicable to a given
contest, only one can be used in any way? Ie, if 'bless fighting' and 'bless courage' were both applicable to a Close Combat fight, could only one be used? Or could 'bless Fighting'


"For a particular worshipper, only one blessing can be augmented during a single contest". (HQ 159)

You only get one blessing for the entire contest. If you have "Fight hard" and "Run Away Fast", you have to choose which one you'll use (unless your narrator allows you to claim "Running Away" as a seperate contest from the combat, of course - but that's a different kettle of fish, and has been debated in the past.).

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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