Re: Final Action & Sidekicks

From: Lightcastle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 22:04:44 -0500

I pretty much agree with RR here, but I think I'd also (if I were Narrating) rule that the Healer is NOT taken out if the hero is defeated. In other words, since the Healer was specifically not used as an augment or AP battery, I would say they are not part of the contest. If they aren't put into play, they aren't at risk. Thus they don't suffer one less worse defeat. Instead, I'd make the healing an AP loan done separately. (Like RR, I'd probably make it the original amount, just for simplicity's sake.)


On Sunday 11 December 2005 6:40 pm, Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:
> Well, if the intent was to keep them as a reserve of AP (ie, to heal you
> when you drop down), then it makes sense to *let* them be a reserve AP
> battery and step in when you drop. Of course, if they are physically
> prevented from getting to you (you *had* to leap over the river of lava,
> didn't you?), then the narrator can rule that the follower can't heal the
> hero (or has to add a "distnace" penalty to her magic). But under normal
> circumstances, I'd let the healer heal. It's basically an AP loan at that
> point, though could see just letting the Follower's AP be added to the
> hero's own total, just like it was the beginning of the contest. .

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