RE: Secrets

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 19:43:06 -0000

> A long time ago I posted the same question. I have never seen a claim
> that a PC learned the cult secret in a campaign for which
> they started at 'normal' power levels.
> The context of my original question was that I asserted that the Cult
> Secret rules were broken to the point of useless and that they had
> probably never been play tested.

FWIW, while I've never encountered a PC with the Secret, I have encountered an NPC at that level, and the rules were used to work out roughly what levels his other abilities should be at. We then looked at augments, worked out his resulting combat ability, whimpered, and did exactly what he said (well, most of us did).

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