Re: stationary quest

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 22:56:00 +0000 (GMT)

> Not even that difficult.
> If my troll learns you are doing a stationary LBQ,
> for instance, he can go into
> the Hero Wars, find the place where your charactr is
> performing the LBQ, and come right on in.

er.. that's HeroPlane aka "Gods War", not "Hero Wars"?

On that assumption, presumably "the place" is defined not in terms of "three miles north of Boldhome", but "just after they start feasting in the Obsidian Palace but before the Trickster disrupts things"?

So the troll does a Hero Plane level HQ, gets to that point in his version of the LBQ story, then somehow aligns himself with the occasion when it's *this* lot of people doing the quest, not someone else, drops a level from HeroPlane to Mundane(ish), and starts using his mace?

Didn't we once get told that you can only leave the HeroPlane at the same physical point where you entered it (since you left your body there)? So it looks like this troll can "only" attack the questors on the Other Side, not on the mundane, since he can't cross all the way over.                 

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