Re: stationary quest

From: David Weihe <blerg2_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 15:20:37 -0800 (PST)

Jane Williams wrote:
> So the troll does a Hero Plane level HQ, gets to that
> point in his version of the LBQ story, then somehow
> aligns himself with the occasion when it's *this* lot
> of people doing the quest, not someone else, drops a
> level from HeroPlane to Mundane(ish), and starts using
> his mace?
> Didn't we once get told that you can only leave the
> HeroPlane at the same physical point where you entered
> it (since you left your body there)?

That would be true for a Practice Quester, but I (at least) was writing about a full HQer, who DOES physically cross into the Hero Plane (at least according to Greg's latest pertinent message).

> So it looks like
> this troll can "only" attack the questors on the Other
> Side, not on the mundane, since he can't cross all the
> way over.

Except that the ceremony merges the Other Side with this area, so he can attack in an area that was mundane before the start of the ceremony.

OTOH, I doubt that he can then run from the throne room, raid the treasury, have a drink at the Boldhome Geo's, and take the Dragonewt Road back to Dagori Inkarth, unless his body HAD crossed over, as well.

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