Re: Re: The Stationary Lightbringers Quest

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:13:20 +0000 (GMT)

> > (whimper) I thought we were trying to distinguish
> > ceremonies from heroquests?
> I'm not sure that we can sensibly do that,

Nor am I, but we were saying that some things were HQs (at a choice of three levels), while others were mere ceremonies.

> as most Heroquests will involve a cremonial aspect,

Yeah. In fact, they'd more or less have to start with one, I'd have thought.

> and (at least prior to Greg suggesting
> that a HeroQuest had to involve physical travel)
> we'd
> use "heroquest" to describe any ceremony that
> involved crossing between planes.

Quite. And those that didn't, like practice quests.

Redefining vocabulary is NOT helping.

> > Oh for goodness sake... not, it is NOT *MY*
> > "materialistic perspective" at all. It's the
> > perspective of the society we live in, that
> defines
> > the language we're supposedly using to
> communicate.
> Well not yours specicifally, but "ours"

Exactly. Ours. That of the people on this list, and specifically the newbies to HQ it's supposedly aimed at. We cannot possibly assume that they're going to read a message and then check out each apparently familiar word to see if it's been redefined to mean something different - either different from standard English, or if it isn't standard English (like "heroquest"), something different from the rule-book definition.

> This surely depends on whether or not you consider
> the ceremony is
> purely a legal and civil one, or whether it has some
> deeper
> significance. Maybe my friends are richer than
> yours but I've only
> been to one wedding that wasn't in a church...

I haven't "been to" all that many registry office ones, simply because registry offices are small, but that's how almost all the married people I know got married. And the the two I know who used a church, did so because it was pretty, and had to do a few "compulsory attendance" bits before they were allowed - they hadn't been before, they haven't been since.

This is the world we live in. Now, not in the past. Sure, as I keep saying, ceremonies with magical intent exist, but magic is NOT part of the definition of "ceremony", and hasn't been for the last couple of thousand years.                 

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