RE: Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:37:18 -0600

>From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
> > Or Trotsky? Can't recall. You "crunchy combat" guys, identify
>Divn't look at me, mate :)

Sorry, I just can't recall who it was.

Simon Hibbs posted a PDF to the files section in this group called Crunchy Contests. Perhaps that would help you, Sarah. Take a look at it.

>But, often, it doesn't really apply since them being out of the fight is
>the important thing, and so long as I narrate that in an interesting and
>plausible manner, exactly what penalties they may have accrued don't
>matter all that much - they normally get healed up before the next
>fight, anyway.

This is a good point. Occasionally there's a situation where the penalties stack. But it's pretty rare. Because, as you say, losing and getting the injury means you're out of the contest. And who's going to go looking for another fight while wounded (outside of D&D)?

>Penalties are
>therefore cumulative, because they pretty much have to be for those
>particular house rules to make any sense.

Well, to be clear, the rules say penalties should be cumulative where appropriate, and even give rules for how to stack them (important to add the -1 Hurts after percentage reduction so their effects are felt). And, it specifically says that if penalties, including from injuries and situation, add up such that the character has less than 1 for his TN, that the result is an "automatic defeat."

Which is something for a new thread.


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