RE: Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 17:13:32 +0000 (GMT)

> > they normally get healed up before the next
> >fight, anyway.
> This is a good point. Occasionally there's a
> situation where the penalties
> stack. But it's pretty rare. Because, as you say,
> losing and getting the
> injury means you're out of the contest. And who's
> going to go looking for
> another fight while wounded (outside of D&D)?

"Looking for", probably not, but having one thrust upon them - it happened to a bunch of Humakti defending the Cradle :( Under HW rules not HQ, so the details won't help, but it happened. And we stacked a lot of -1s.

Anyway, presumably it is happening to Sarah, or she wouldn't be asking the question.

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