Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 13:56:06 +0000


> I'd be interested to hear people's comments - is there anyone else
> out there who runs "dungeon bash" style games (I couldn't think of a
> more acceptable shorthand...) with the HQ rules?

It seems not unlike the campaigns I'm playing in. The Men of the Sea campaign - run by the other GM - certainly features several adventures of this type. Heck, our last session involved us exploring an underwater ruin and clearing out the monsters living inside. It's not the only thing we do - the session before that was entirely non-combat, for instance - but its a major aspect of the campaign. My own campaign tends to be more investigative in nature, and sometimes the players find ways to entirely circumvent any combats that might rear their heads, but even some of them have had a dungeon-like air. This is unsurprising, as I often nick plots from published RPG scenarios (see the Lunar section of my website for a list) which, naturally, enough, favour this sort of thing. I adapt them quite a bit, emphasising investigation and social skills, and I usually move them above ground when there's no good reason for them not be (and there usually isn't), but the flavour often remains.

Gamer and Skeptic

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