Re: Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 00:30:26 -0500

I seem to fall in between the two of you on this. I agree with Neil that a hero is in one state of health BUT that this is not a general one for all things. You are in states of health concerning all aspects of your character. So I tend to allow penalties to accumulate, but rarely on the exact same ability or constellation of abilities so they don't stack so much as spread.


On November 19, 2006 12:02 am, neil_wimp wrote:

> Except that the reasoning in the HQ book is that a hero as a state
> of health, and the state of health determines any penalties imposed.
> Now, the thing about states is that you are in exactly one of them
> at a time: you're always in one of them, and never in two or more.
> This means that multiple defeats don't have a cumulative effect: if
> you're already in one state of health, you can't move into it again.
> That's why the exception for Hurts is made: you can be Hurt more
> than once.
> Of course, if you want to change things in your game so that
> penalties do accumulate, that sounds like a perfectly fine idea.
> I'm just trying to point out that this would be a change.
> Neil.

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