Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: Jamie <anti.spam_at_...>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 11:50:02 -0000

"L.Castellucci" <lightcastle_at_...> wrote:

> I agree with Neil that a
> hero is in one state of health BUT that this is not a general
> one for all things.

This is why I am not convinced that the rules as written have a clear answer. They leave ambiguity around overlaps, don't give clear examples of non-physical injury (except in the Heroes Book), don't address non-physical healing and don't clarify overlaps, leaving much open to interpretation.

Neil is restating my fourth option, and I tend towards this view. But I agree with LC's interpretation, as all things in HeroQuest are dependant on situation. The rules state that injury modifiers are applied only to appropriate skills, not all skills, so there is plenty of scope for being injured in the field of physical exertion, and also emotionally impaired in courtship.

Note: if you use my fifth option or my rules variant, and use the healing table to inform your interpretation of the rules, then it is possible to move from Impaired to Injured on complete failure, or to jump from Impaired to fully healed, by-passing Hurt, on a complete success.

I believe this implies that injuries are considered discreet states of health. It is possible to move from one to the other, Healthy <-> Hurt <-> Impaired <-> Injured <-> Dying, somtimes by more than one level. It is also possible to complicate each state by adding specific Hurts which, depending on the situation, may be erased when moving from one state to the other.

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