RE: Re: Getting injured (etc) multiple times - cumulative wounds

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:05:13 -0600

>From: "Jamie" <anti.spam_at_...>
>I believe this implies that injuries are considered discreet states of
>health. It is possible to move from one to the other,
>Healthy <-> Hurt <-> Impaired <-> Injured <-> Dying,
>somtimes by more than one level. It is also possible to complicate each
>state by adding specific Hurts which, depending on the situation, may be
>erased when moving from one state to the other.

Not sure what you mean by "discrete states of health." I mean the effects are mostly descriptive, other than the mechanical penalties, and the statement that you can't participate in contests when "dying." I think that the rest is just for description's sake.

So the only question I have, from a mechanical POV, is whether a -100% cumulative total of penalties is supposed to put you into a "dying" state where you can't do anything. I think that there is a lot of evidence against this:

  1. Nowhere does it say that the state is related to the penalty, but instead the reverse. The penalty comes from the state.
  2. In fact, as we're all now agreeing, there don't seem to be any rules for what to do with multiple penalties, far from adding them together.
  3. The concept of penalties for contests that result in other than physical penalties makes it seem likely that, even if the penalties did add, that they don't always add together. So even in that case, the question of whether or not both penalties apply makes it such that we can't make any generalizations.

So if we're not talking about the specific mechanical effects of these rules, then what are these "discrete states" to which you refer?


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