Re: HQ Beginner - Character Generation questions

From: Thorsten <Eisprinz_at_...>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:22:07 -0000

I _think_ this wasn't what I meant. I'm not at all talking about being a basic level member of any religion versus being a higher level member. It is quite clear that the additional words spend on your level of membership are absolutely worth it. This is true both in pure power and in the direction the character takes. After all, being a practitioner is a larger commitment to the religion than merely being a spiritist. This is so integral to the character then that it definitely has to appear in the narrative.

My complaint rather was that a Puma not mentioning any magic in his narrative will get common magic (5 abilities) and tradition charms (5 spirits) for free. Free as in he's free to spend all his words on other matters. If the player decides he wants to belong to _another_ religion, however, they'll have to spend the words. So by saying something like "Mr Puma has joined the local Storm Pantheon worshipers and rejected his Ancestors tradition", the player gets only the basic communal worshiper abilities AND has spend quite a few words on it.

However, I've changed my opinion on that one. After all, the player spends their points for their character being different, and that alone is worth it. Also it can be done in less words than I used in my example, so it shouldn't really have a large impact on what else he'll be able to chose or not. Actually, as I've phrased it above, the char might even retain his non-magical abilities of the Puma Ancestor Tradition keyword.

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