Fwd: Re: Re: [WorldofGlorantha] Re: Ho Much Rule fiddling Is Tolerable?

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 00:50:24 -0400

OK. I really don't want to turn this too much into a systems debate, but I'm honestly confused about something. You say plenty of systems handle it better if it is a fight.

But you said you are talking about a big climactic scene. So if this big climactic scene is everyone fighting the big bad monster - how is a group extended contest any worse for getting everyone involved than any other system where everyone gets to fight. Because... everyone gets to fight, so what is the issue?

I think I'm missing something very simple about your complaint. Because it seems there is no difference I can see. If the final scene is a duel between on PC and his arch enemy - then HQ actually lets the non-fighting PCs participate more since they can help with augments. Something like DnD everyone else twiddles their thumbs while that one PC fights.

If it is everybody vs the big monster, then both systems work the same, with everyone attacking as best they can and the monster striking back.

So I must be missing something. (Sure, simple contests don't work like this, but I presume if it is the big climactic fight and everyone wants in on it then you would run an extended contest.)

On July 19, 2007 08:04 pm, you wrote:
> No idea. (For a fight, plenty of systems, but that is but one situation.)
> I don't have the solution, only the problem. I think that's the sort of
> thing where Robin earns his money or his fame, though.
> Sam.

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