Re: Mythic Russia, and Pyrrhic Victories

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:36:56 -0000

Yes but David, every combat?! However, I agree with Mike that some mechanic that allowed you to win but maybe suffer some kind of deleterious effect could be cool. But I still think that its not necessary.

> In which case, HQ is wrong, since its goal is to eschew simulationism
> and realism :-)

I would suggest that this is, in fact, disingenuos. :^)

Name a system that purports to be realistic and I'll debunk your notion in a paragraph!!

Heroquest is always far more realistic because the human beings interperet the results in a way that is perfectly reasonable to them in context of the genre. Games where antagonists stand on the same spot and hit each other until one falls over are not, I would suggest.


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