Re: Mythic Russia, and Pyrrhic Victories

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 19:32:12 -0000

> No. That's why I'd like the rules to have an option
> that lets the player "buy" victory-at-a-cost.

I suggest its already there, sort of. Its got to be informed by the dice rolls, but its not governed by them. Like the marathon example, if he rolled a complete success then he doesn't need to pay the ultimate price. But if he rolls a complete failure then only the GM is the arbiter on whether he gets to make it but die.

For me, I believe the rules infer a complete success or defeat should signify a lasting or permanent effect. How that is interpereted is up to the individuals. Heroquest rulebook gives advice and guidance but there are no hard and fast 'it must be this way' rules.

Like 'fine tuning' the way the contest has been framed, after the dice have been rolled. Why set it in stone? If the dice suggest that something more momentous has occured (ie not just another marginal success or defeat) then let your collective imaginations run free as long as the people concerned are loving it.


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