Re: Re: Temporarily Joining a Hero Band

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:53:34 -0700

>> If he wants to join the Eaglebrown Warlocks, then
>> it's *not* part of his
>> background, so *would* require the hp expenditure.
>> (Same as if he wanted to join the Lunar army, etc).
> And in both cases, roleplaying it out may well be more
> interesting. It's perhaps worth remembering that the
> HP spend is only a rules construct. I see it as
> representing all the negotiation and testing that for
> some reason you decided not to do in-game. If you
> spend a month of roleplay on proving yourself worthy
> of being a member of the Eaglebrowns, and RPed through
> the ceremony that lets you join their wyter, I doubt
> if I'd then charge you a HP as well: at least, if I
> did, I'd give you a directed one for the purpose, so
> it hardly counts.

That's the way I'd probably do it as well.

In general terms, I'd force HP expenditure for non-Roleplayed changes to the character sheet - if it's really roleplayed out, then a directed HP covers the "charge" (and if it's roleplayed well, and enjoyably for all involved, maybe even get a "normal" HP in addition!)

The concept is even somewhat vaguely suggested by the rules: the "non played" double HP cost is a similar idea - this just takes it down to the other end of the spectrum.

So if Wally the Warrior wants to join the EagleBrowns, his player has some choices:

  1. Say "Oh, yeah, I join them": 2 HP for non-played.
  2. Spend a little effort to say "We're in Boldhome? I go to their booth at the Mercenaries Hiring Fair and ask to join up" (with some additional RP stuff): 1 HP.
  3. Spend more effort roleplaying buttering up the recruiting officer, kitting out, getting to know the rest of the company, etc.: 1 Directed HP that comes from the roleplaying (ie, free).

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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