Re: Non-Exhaustive Augmenting

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 20:17:13 -0400

I've found this a weird thing as well, concerning the arguments about augmenting. Take the obvious ones - if they aren't obvious, don't take them. If you are scouring for something, it probably isn't obvious, so I am unlikely to give it to you.


On August 26, 2007 07:18 pm, Brian Curley wrote:
> I'd be really interested in how you're doing that (what's the limit on
> augments, etc). One of my players complaints about HQ is that it takes
> so long to scour their sheets looking for every possible augment. I've
> tried the "then just don't do it, take the ones that seem obvious and
> skip the jumping through hoops to get more" rationale, but it didn't take.

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