Re: Request for some math

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 15:06:26 -0000

You are right generally. you know, I would use the list of abilities in the back of the HQ book as a sample of resistances.

If you have the Heroes book, ignore any mention of relative scales in it. Its a great book, but that section I heartily disagree with.

You will find all sorts of opinions on 'HQ stat relativity and the application there-of' but its all a matter of conjecture and personal preference. To start out with just refer to the list of sample resistances in HQ.

For example how tough is that clan warrior? Look in the sample resistances and get a number. If you play/GM in a game where the clan warrior pc can muster another 20 in augments, then you may want to assume a number that the npc clan warrior can muster. Maybe they can come up with +20 or maybe a little less, maybe a little more. Thats for the GM to decide based on how tough he wants to make it for the pc at that juncture.

The above is merely my take on how to use the rules.


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