Re: How to run a chase in HQ2

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:36:12 -0500

>What I'm looking for is a way to run a chase using vanilla HQ2. The
>kidnappers are broo, the victim definitely dies (her progeny figure
later in
>the campaign) and the main broo dude (an albino) is killed by the hero
>11 (it's from her back story).

OK, so obviously you need those points to be out of it.

> a number of set pieces for the PCs that let them illustrate neat
things they
>did in the chase.
>What I really want is to use a HQ2 contest to allow us to play an
>chase. If I have to I will use a string of connected simple contests but I
>just want to see if the new system can govern the whole chase with all the
>protagonists and antagonists involved.

*nod* Not having the system, I can't help you, sadly.

>Yes they do seem so. I'm wondering if I can safely increase the limit of
>tokens in a contest so as to give it more depth.

Not sure, but from what I've heard, it would seem not to be a problem. I could be wrong.

>I really want to use some kind of mechanic that gives the players
access to
>the kind of excitement and suspense you get in a chase whilst still
>meaning from each phase and building towards the climax where they face
>their enemies.

I'm not sure why a series of simple contests, chained, is a problem. Maybe HQ2 really works against that approach, I don't know. Or are you really just asking, "is there a way to do this using the Extended Contest rules"?
I know with HQ1 more than one person used the idea of chained simple contests, with each result influencing the next roll by changing up the situation to do extended sequences when they didn't like how the EC rules handled it. I would think HQ2 would still allow that. I don't see how that isn't using "vanilla HQ".


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