Re: Re: How do you compare published abilities without numbers?

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 20:15:19 -0500

See, my issue with FUDGE isn't converting to numbers, it is just how much of it you have to do with scales and such. I can see what you're talking about with you may as well include numbers since those who don't like them will just drop them. Seeing Darran's post following, it seems that a compromise might be including something like the Impossible to not scale instead of numbers (since the number is tied to the base).

I happen to fall into the "I probably don't need numbers, thanks" camp, but I certainly would like some quick and easy notation of how bad-ass someone is supposed to be at something.
For me, that can be adjectives, not numbers.

If you have numbers, from what I have been told in HQ2, it breaks apart because the numbers won't be in relation to whatever the "base level is". (I suppose you could give relative numbers, of course.)


Tim Ellis wrote:
> Hmm, Some people think that any published numbers are wrong, so
> would ignore them even if they were published. Others think they are
> a useful tool. Wouldn't it be better to provide them for the latter
> group, given that there presence makes no difference to the former
> group anyway?
> One thing I really dislike about FUDGE and it's derivatives is the
> insistance on using adjectives when they mean numbers. If (in HQ)
> I'm rolling a d20 against an ability then knowing that ability is 17,
> or 12W or 13W3 is immideately useful in a way that knowing it is a
> hard resistance, or the foe is renowned for their skill isn't,
> because before I can adjudicate the dice roll, I first have to
> convert those words to numbers.
> "fudging the numbers" is a little like railroading. Done well, and in
> the hands of a good GM, the players might not ever notice, and where
> they do, they can ignore it in the interests of the game. Done
> badly, however it destroys suspension of disbelief and deprotaganises
> players...
> __.

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