Re: How do you compare published abilities without numbers?

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:31:34 -0000

It gets really silly when you start using imprecise adjectives to describe an ordered progression - is it Great > Smashing > Super or the other way around. I don't need to think to decide if 10 is greater or less than 12...

> If you have numbers, from what I have been told in HQ2, it breaks
> because the numbers won't be in relation to whatever the "base
> is". (I suppose you could give relative numbers, of course.)

What happened to the idea of providing a "Benchmark"? If the numbers are provided to a benchmark based on (eg) the PC's having skills around 10W2, then if they actually have skills around 10W3 then I know to add a mastery to the targets, and if they only have skills around 15W then I need to subtract 15 (or thereabouts). At least I don't have to go away and calculate what the base numbers should be first, and I get the benefits of having the skills ranked numerically in the first place...

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