Re: The merits of relative and absoluteresistances (HQ1 and HQ2)

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:50:44 -0000

It's rolling dice against target numbers. If you are managing to do this without reference to numbers then you are not using any d20 I've ever seen...

> As far as comparisons go, resistances are relative: is it Hard for the
> Experienced guy to overcome the Veteran? This seems a no-brainer to me.

Strange, because I haven't got a clue. A Great Warrior is almost certainly better than a Good one, but I have no meaningful comparison between a Great one, A Superb one, a Magnificent one or any of the other synonyms there might be.

What if it's a three way comparison. The Trolls have captured us all and say that to obtain my freedom I must fight one or the other. Is the choice just a sham, because the relative resistance will be "hard" regardless?

> If I had both of their skills written down I wouldn't be able to
> answer that question so easily.

Who'se more likely to win , Warrior 5W or Warrior 5W2? This is much clearer than Vetran vs Experienced to me.

> Surely this means that numbers are actually harder?

Blackadder: If You have 2 apples, and I give you 2 more apples what do you have? Baldrick: Some Apples!

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