RE: Re: The merits of relative and absoluteresistances (HQ1 and HQ2)

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:03:57 -0000

no it's not a sham. it's all about the names of the abilities narrated in. the whole idea of a narrative game is to narrate: I narrate the scene (frame), players (and/or I) narrate their heroes' part in it. etc etc. same as I said before. you only look at numbers for a brief second and don't need to think about them at all.
as far as comparing adjectives and adverbs goes - there has never been an empirical method that I know of (I'm sure someone would correct me there) - why worry about it? - go with the general concensus, go with your gut feeling, go with story logic, test things for credibility. this is narrativism dude. relax into it.
listen to me - I was in just your position some time ago. best advice I can give is: try it out, read about it, talk about it but do try it without falling back into old ways. more advice: you won't get it straightaway so don't feel like you've failed if you hit the tarmac. be like Neo: no amount of "free my mind, free my mind" will stop you hittinf that sidewalk at 120m/s/s :D

From: [] On Behalf Of Tim Ellis Sent: 10 March 2009 16:51
Subject: Re: The merits of relative and
absoluteresistances (HQ1 and HQ2)

It's rolling dice against target numbers. If you are managing to do this without reference to numbers then you are not using any d20 I've ever seen...

> As far as comparisons go, resistances are relative: is it Hard for the
> Experienced guy to overcome the Veteran? This seems a no-brainer to me.

Strange, because I haven't got a clue. A Great Warrior is almost certainly better than a Good one, but I have no meaningful comparison between a Great one, A Superb one, a Magnificent one or any of the other synonyms there might be.

What if it's a three way comparison. The Trolls have captured us all and say that to obtain my freedom I must fight one or the other. Is the choice just a sham, because the relative resistance will be "hard" regardless?

> If I had both of their skills written down I wouldn't be able to
> answer that question so easily.

Who'se more likely to win , Warrior 5W or Warrior 5W2? This is much clearer than Vetran vs Experienced to me.

> Surely this means that numbers are actually harder?

Blackadder: If You have 2 apples, and I give you 2 more apples what do you have?
Baldrick: Some Apples!

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