Re: Re: How about a sample conversion to HQ2?

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:06:54 -0400

mouserampant wrote:

>Having seen a copy of HQ2,

So you don't have one?

>I'm currently writing a scenario specifically with that edition in mind.
>Having recently finished adapting an old HW/HQ1 scenario for
publication in HiG,
>I thought it would be an interesting idea to write the next scenario
directly in publishable form rather that write notes and adapt them later.

So there is an old scenario adapted to HQ2 format in HiG? That could be useful for us to look at.

>I suspect, however, that there is more than one way to format HQ2
scenarios. At the moment I'm adopting a fairly descriptive, wordy approach. The scenario is a police procedural set in Elz Ast. The
>section reproduced below comes as our detective (called Saggitus here)
examines a recently collapsed building.


So scenes, at least, are laid out as possible tasks with "what you get if you roll what". Not too dissimilar from the previous ideas.

I think (I may be out of line here) what those of us asking to see this were hoping for was more of how the use of the sliding scale and Pass/Fail and whatever mysterious things those of us who are unlikely to ever see the book keep hearing about are used to scenario construct.


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