Re: HQ2 runes and wizardy question

From: ttrotsky2 <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 16:40:39 -0000

Paul Albertella:

> I certainly think that it would be daft if the new emphasis on runes
> only applied to Theists; Wizards just view at them in a different
> way.
> To a Theist, runes are incarnated in the persons of their deities,
> but
> to a Wizard they are the abstract principles that underpin the
> universe
> - thoughts in the mind of the Invisible God.
> Perhaps its the appropriation of the word 'affinity' by the Theists
> that
> is throwing us off here. In my opinion, having a personal magical
> connection with a rune doesn't *have* to be the raw, visceral,
> touchy-feely, "I am the personification of my deity" schtick that
> the
> god-botherers indulge in. It might just as easily be a purely
> intellectual appreciation of a fundamental principle - an intuitive
> insight into its deeper implications - that informs the way that a
> Wizard casts a spell or allows them to refine the method or even
> discover new spells.

I'd agree with this way of looking at it. Wizards are influenced by the runes of their Order, no matter the method they choose to emply them. This is, perhaps, particularly obvious with the followers of the Malkioni saints, who naturally seek to emulate the deeds of their patron, and will inevitably be influenced by whatever that patron's rune happens to be. (Saints only have a single rune, although the individual follower can presumably use his other two to augment). Similarly, you don't get very far as, let's say, a Debaldan adept, without embracing the philosophy of the Debaldan School. That philosophy will be relevant to its runes, and will attract those who already have an inclination in that direction (i.e. already possess some or all of the School's runes).

It's difficult to see that the effect somebody's runes have on their persona would be completely different depending on the culture they happened to be born into (there may be subtle differences). The way you *use* those runes is different, but not what they mean to you.

Gamer and Skeptic

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