Re: Man Rune

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 11:04:57 -0000

My suspicion would be that the "man-like" races can use form runes like "Beast", "Plant" or "Spirit" to do things considered magic because other members of the "man-like" races don't have those runes, so can't do them.

Since all the "man-like" races have the man-rune, they can all do the "man-rune" magic, so don't recognise it as anything special. - Beasts, Plants or Spirits who posess a Man rune are capable of using it to perform Magic - things we wouldn't expect things of their type to be able to achieve.

That said, there may be those in whom the Man Rune is unusually strong, so they may be capable of other "Man rune" magic, whatever that may be

(ie everyone has the Man Rune, so it is not worth writing on the character sheet, just like "breath air" or "walk on solid ground" is not noted for human characters (but might be important for the intelligent fish from the Zola Fel) - However, if someone wants to take the Man Rune for some reason, or a Cult is determined to have "Man Rune" magic, the rune can still be taken to represent an unusually strong affinity to this rune).

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