Re: Re: Playing Star Wars using HeroQuest

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 18:39:20 -0400

Ian Young wrote:

>> Or just let them use any emotional stat of attachment to give
>> bonuses in a similar way.
>This is similar to an idea that I had -- borrowing Passions from
Pendragon. "Hatred of ______" may not be the healthiest source of an augment for a Jedi, but it's there in a pinch.

Exactly. Your passions can be used to bonus anything you do. A Jedi doesn't use this, a Sith does. Of course, one has to wonder why this is *bad*, but presumably it is.

>I suggest that the ever-increasing augment itself is the source of the
temptation, and it's up to the player himself if he's going to give in and use his character's emotions as a source of augments.

Only, it isn't an ever-increasing augment, unless there is some rule now in HQ2 that using an ability increases that ability automatically.

In the movies, anyway, there really does seem to be a "here is a line you have crossed" light/dark side thing. Also a hint that having strong passions is in some way a problem. With all that comes the impression that using your passion to fuel Force stuff pushes you to the dark side, makes it harder to get back, make the darkside stronger...

How to model that is the question.

>Another thought I've had borrows from Clint Nixon's Paladin
<>(role-playing_game)), where Hero Points may be divided between Light HPs and Dark HPs.
>Your character gains and uses Dark HPs for morally dubious acts.
Again, the temptation lies in the player having a powerful resource at his disposal, but that he simply doesn't want to use since the use of
>Dark HPs only begets more Dark HPs. Start using them too much, and it
becomes difficult to get off the treadmill.

Right, something like that. I'd prefer a solution that doesn't necessarily use something splitting the HP like that, but maybe that's just the way it has to be done for the effect you want. Since HQ2 works by story-logic, one would think a good approach is to figure out what temptation and fall to the dark side looks and feels like in your game, and work the mechanics from there.


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