Win a copy of History of the Heortling People!

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 07:51:25 -0700

Greg Stafford, in association with Rule One magazine, is offering a copy of History of the Heortling People, shipped anywhere in the world, to the first person to correctly answer the question posted at the bottom his story in issue 3 of Rule One Magazine: Jotarang, A Story of the First-Age.

As this is a "First Response wins" contest, The question will be posted on Wednesday, April 13, at 8:00 AM Pacific time. I apologize for those people for whom this is the middle of the night.

The Myth of Jotorang:

The Contest question and rules will be at the bottom of the article.

Greg Stafford,
Roderick Robertson
>From such a face and form as mine, the noblest sentiments sound like the black utterances of a depraved imagination.
--Dick Deadeye

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