Re: Pulp HeroQuest 2...

From: huffc75 <cnhuff_at_...>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 00:34:10 -0000

["huffc75", Mar 12: I replied to this a few days ago, but I guess I somehow violated the moderators rules... ]

[-- Nope, this just slipped through my fingers -- Sorry! -- Henk]


I'm looking for HQ2 game resources for pulp style adventures similar to, or even vaguely related to, any of the movies, characters, whatnot listed in my first message.

I'm always up for games, I'm in Portland, OR. Wasn't necessarily looking for another but there it is. (Spirit of the Century or other Fate games work too.)

I know HQ2 is a generic rule system, but I was hoping for more examples / leads on pulpy madness already done up so I could riff on them for my own games. Frameworks, characters, settings, whatever.


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