Newbie Rule Questions

From: nick_warcholak <nickwarcholak_at_...>
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2011 15:13:17 -0000

Hi all,

I recently got the HQ rule book and am loving what I see so far. They system is fairly easy to learn and jives a lot with how I think about gaming, but I am confused on a couple of points.

  1. Page 10 talks about Keywords as Packages. It says that the abilities in a package can be boosted together during character creation, but have to be increased separately after. On page 20 though, when talking about Keywords as Packages, it says they are boosted during character creation and in character improvement together. Which is correct?
  2. Page 57 talks about Improving Your Character. The text reads, "To raise an ability by 2 points at once costs 3 times the cost of raising it by 1 point, etc." This reads kind of odd to me, but I think it presented this way for abilities the GM decides costs more than 1 HP to raise per point. So a regular ability might cost:
1 point increase - 1 HP
2 point increase - 3 HP
3 point increase - 6 HP
4 point increase - 10 HP

For a super ability that costs 3 points base, it would be:

1 point increase - 3 HP
2 point increase - 9 HP
3 point increase - 18 HP
4 point increase - 30 HP

Am I thinking of this right?

3. Page 57 talks about Improving Keywords and says that if you're using the umbrella approach, "...multiply the costs of raising abilities by 2 if you want to raise a keyword by more than 1 point at a time."

I don't understand how this interfaces with the rules for increasing abilities referenced above. Like, say I want to raise a keyword by 2 points at one time. I'm assuming the cost would be 12 (2 base X 3 multiplier for 2 point increase at a time X 2 multiplier for increasing a keyword more than 1 point a time). Is that right?

4. Page 62 says that certain relationships with supporting characters act as flaws. Do these count as flaws like described on page 14 (and count against the total number)? Do they have a rating then that describes how this "flaw" is used against the player?

I know this is quite a first post, but I couldn't find any collected FAQ or errata on the web on this list. Thanks in advance for any feedback.


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