Re: DnD4e to HQ2 (was Greetings)

From: Jeff <richaje_at_...>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2011 06:22:16 -0000

> While there are some things a I greatly appreciate in HQ 2.0 - the Victory
> Track, the much much much better Extended Contest Mechanic - I think going
> the way of scaling everything so that's its challenging to the Heroes and
> not trying to even vaguely simulate/model a world was sort of a cop-out. To
> each their own, I suppose.

OK, I try to avoid these edition wars arguments but let me explain from the perspective of the writing team. In a nutshell, HW/HQ1 attempts to "simulate/model a world" simply did not work in any sort of internally consistent manner - numbers were simply thrown out without reference to other numbers that had been thrown out.

To resolve this (which, along with the Augment Quest problem and the Action Point mechanism, ranked as one of the big three structural problems we wanted to fix with the new edition of HQ), Robin Laws went back to his original drafts and oriented the resistance levels to the characters themselves. We found his solution to be far more elegant, simple, and internally consistent than the bastard hybrid that was (mis)used in the previous systems. You might prefer we adopted another solution, but it was certainly not a "sort of cop-out" (which I frankly find offensive).


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