Re: POW Storage Crystals

From: roadsgoeveron <daveolloyd_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 13:33:27 -0000


Thanks everyone for the input!

(1)  I was thinking of a one-use-per-adventure item, but the idea of something that gives a declining bonus over the course of the adventure is clever; I may give it a try.
(2)  "Resist magical exhuastion" sounds more like a powered crystal ability to me, but it is kind of generic in the way a POW storage crystal used to be; I don't know.
(3)  The "Tears of Heler 13" etc. definitely sound like powered crystals to me.  I had not previously read the sidebar to indicate that the old POW storage crystals had been superceded,, but that is a reasonable interpretation.  However, I always liked the distinction between POW storage crystals (from dead gods) and powered crystals (from "live" gods).

Thanks again for the help.


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