Re: Subject: Re: Random musings

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:18:51 -0800

> "Um, well, I'll use my 'mile javelin throw' feat to propel my words
> far away. Thus I can shout loud enough for them to hear me."

Already been dealt with and apologized for :-)

> As far as I understood, initiates must always improvise magical
> actions from their affinities. However, devotees still have this
> power as well... Why use Fireblade for a gout of targeted fire, when
> the name implies something else? The devotee can still improvise
> a gout of flame from his Fire affinity, right?

Yes, absolutely. The difference between an initiate and a devotee is that the devotee can then pay 1 HP and be able to use the "gout of fire" feat without improv penalties. Whn a devotee gets to the point where -3 or -5 means diddly to him, he can stop paying the HP to cement feats. - he is truely becoming a Hero to be reckoned with.

> Further evidence: Why does Vangath have the "avoid lightning" feat,
> if the same effect could be acheived with the "aerial maneuvering" feat?
> I suppose that could well replace "fly fast", too... Hell, how about
> just using a generic "fly" feat, that can be used with all flying effects?

He has a generic "Fly" affinity that does just that.


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