Re: Happy Birthday, hw-rules!

From: Ian Thomson <arkat_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 04:04:54 -0000

Wow, one year

Regarding the HW rules, I think there's little I could say that hasn't been discussed before

For me they work smoothly and well in some areas, and less so in others

Combat is still too complex for my tastes, but certainly an improvement on RQ3

I'd like to see a variant on the Combat rules for different styles of preference - ie dice light, wounds heavy etc After all, there's a lot of different gaming styles out there

In any case, as various official type people have stated (Steve/Greg) the rules are likely to be tweaked as the system evolves, and hopefully its sold well enough that a HW2 will come out with lots of things ironed out and clarified


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