Shields, spears, weapons (longish, crosspost)

From: reinierd_at_...
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 07:21:09 -0000

Hijacking the following from the Glorantha list. Any interest on this list on discussing relative merits of different weapons, armor and what level edge might be appropriate?

Mike Dawson:
[snip] Skirmishing, open-line spear & shield will get picked apart by
long-weapon users, or charged by sword and shield wielders. The spear is used purely for stabbing. Used 1H, there's no way you can get the leverage and power to parry with it. (Well unless you're Heroically strong and skillful, but I assume you wanted to know the > norm, not the exceptions).

[major snip] One thing we don't do in the SCA is hit each other's
bodies with our shields. Why not? Because it is really easy to really hurt someone! I wouldn't be surprised to find lots of damage being done by an orlanthi's shield boss or rim.

EG, it seems to me the shield is under-rated in HW. I have no SCA experience but do have a dan in kendo and personally I would consider facing someone with a decent-sized shield a major pain in, uh, not sure what hit location yet, but point sure to be driven home painfully. Not sure why, but shields don't appear to have been used in Japan. Maybe they were considered cowardly.

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