OT: Shameless plug and rule variant

From: Geoffrey McVey <magpie_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 10:51:18 -0500


My wife and I have recently started running a non-Glorantha Hero Wars campaign for some friends of ours, and I thought I would advertise the webpage here. Perhaps there are a few details worth borrowing into other games, if they strike anyone's fancy:


Although it's not mentioned on the page, we've also changed the rules for spending HP slightly. We've done away with cementing benefits, and replaced it with a rule that lets the players spend a Hero Point to declare a person or thing "significant to the plot." If they meet someone or find something they find interesting, even if we hadn't intended it to be, they can use a point to call it to our attention and make us work the character or item into our later plots. Goodness knows how it will work out -- our group is a fairly cautious one, and they haven't spent any of their HP yet (for fear that they'll need them all in some tense scene).


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