Re: Shields, spears, weapons

From: reinierd_at_...
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 04:22:45 -0000

A quick snap-shot of my opinions: double weapon & armour rank, make shield Rank about 5 (maybe 3?).
> Wulf

Sorry, not following you. Do you mean that given the way that double weapon use is rated, shields should be rated about Edge 5 for defense? Or something else? How is double weapon use rated anyway?

FWIW I think Edge 3 is probably fair for a Viking-sized shield, and applies only to opponents that you can force to deal with it. Ie if you are backed against a wall and have opponents at clock positions 10:30, 12, and 13:30 and you are right handed, the guy at 13:30 is probably only going to have to deal with whatever weapon you have in your right hand.

Btw, in 1on1 combat, 2H spears are deadly. Someone on the Glorantha list commented that a choice between katana and spear is obvious, but I don't agree. The spear can keep the swordsman at bay with reach, and the psychological disadvantage of having a sharp pointy thing pointing right at you is devastating, especially in the RW. It's bad enough in simulations. There is a great duel in Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress that illustrates this very well.

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