Re: Shields, spears, weapons

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 10:36:33 -0000

Ah, you've got the wrong end of the pointy stick :) What I meant was, I believe all weapon ranks should be about double what they are. Actually, I'd say from 1 (unarmed) through 5 (broadsword) to 8 (poleax).

> FWIW I think Edge 3 is probably fair for a Viking-sized shield

Well, that's fine, but are you aware of the original size of a Viking shield? Probably you are, but a great many people don't realise how damn big they were, 3 foot in diameter. We tend to use smaller shields in re-enactment simply to allow us better mobility (it should also be noted that modern buildings were not designed for people carrying shields).

> Btw, in 1on1 combat, 2H spears are deadly.

This is true, but a major problem with spears is that if you do not have the pointy bit pointed towrds you, you can grab the shaft & restrict it's movement (making sure the spearman doesn't draw it back & slice your fingers off with the leaf point).


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