Re: Shields, spears, weapons

From: M.Dawson <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:25:14 -0000

> --- In, Wulf Corbett.. wrote:

> I've seen this same discussion a dozen times in a dozen different
> forums (forae?), and it always degenerates into "My way is better
> than your way!" - which I don't always resist myself. I suggest we
> all get together sometime with our respective weapons, armour &
> techniques, and see which of us survives to tell the tale :)

Well, part of my contention is that I'm involved in an organization that does exactly what you're suggesting. There are very few limitations to what people can try in SCA combat, and the things that work survive. The things that don't stop showing up because people would rather win than lose.

I'm a much better spearman than katana/bastard swordsman, but I know me with a 2h sword would beat me with spear, probably 4 out of 5 times. And that's without the abiltiy to just cut the head off the spear.

I'm not sure I can keep up with this debate in both hw-rules and on the G Digest. Are there significant numbers of people who only read this?

> Wulf

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