Re: Extended actions and combat

From: tim_at_...
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 18:11:13 -0000

In general the trick is to look at what the overal objective of the party being shot at is. If they reduce the shooters to 0 AP then they have succeeded in their task. Typically they may be trying to advance to close combat (If they drive the shooters down below 0 AP then treat the final result as a penalty/handicap during the Close Combat - If they are driven to or below 0 AP it indicates they are unable to close due to the incomming missiles) or to run away (if the shooters are reduced to 0AP then they have succesfully got out of range/sight). In any situation, the shooters dropping to below 0 AP could also indicate running out of missiles, breaking a bow string or some other readon why they can't continue without spending some time to "reset" tehir AP's. The tricky part is finding a way to describe high AP bids by the shooters, bearing in mind that a failure will drop them a lot of points (I suppose "Wait until I see the whites of their eyes" would be a good one).

Another suggestion (Phil Hibbs, IIRC) was to give missile weapons a much higher weapon rank, to represent their ability to deal harm at a distance without putting the firer at undue risk.

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