Re: Re: Rampant sex descrimination

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 23:31:30 +1300

At 10:02 12/02/01 +0000, you wrote:

> > Sex restrictions can and do appear in glorantha. They have
> > a history far older than Hero Wars having first appeared
> > in Cults of Prax. I shall only point out Waha being the men's
> > god for the Praxians and Eiritha being a woman's god.

>Well, Animists have far less access to and use of magic, so
>specialisation is more understandable.

This has nothing to do with animism or theism. And animists use just as much magic as theists do.

>I never previously noticed any
>such male-only restriction on Orlanth (in fact, in the Orlanth
>pantheon the only gender restrictions were on female-only cults).

It's hardly a something that Thunder Rebels sprang upon us as this very topic caused some ructions on the GD over two or so years ago. Moreover Orlanth and Ernalda are described as the men's and women's deities in the Genertela Box published almost 15 years ago.

>It's going to mean a lot of changes to existing characters &

How so? Virtually all Orlanthi described were members of Orlanth Adventurous, something which Vinga _is_.

> > >ever more unrepresentative set of female characters (where there
> > >are any at all), with more and more Vingans and non-Ernaldans/Orlanthi.

> > Unrepresentative of what?

>Of the 15% in my next line of text. The PC percentages will be
>heavily skewed toward that 15%.

Since Female Heortling Warrior Heroes are either Vingans or non-Ernaldans (Gori, Humakti etc), I don't see how this is unrepresentative of anything. Ernalda has not been described as a combat cult _anywhere_ (although by saying that Maran is a face of her, TR actually makes the strongest statement for Ernaldan warriors that I've seen).

> > And likewise it provides not one Orlanthi healing cult. Cause for
> > concern?

>I hadn't noticed there being not a single Orlanthi cult with healing
>magic, but yes, it is cause for concern.

Why? Any male that wants to be a healer can join Chalana Arroy. I don't see why the fact of a hero coming from the 85% mainstream or the 15% minority is such a big deal.

--Peter Metcalfe

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