Re: Rampant sex descrimination

From: wulfc_at_...
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:02:23 -0000

> Sex restrictions can and do appear in glorantha. They have
> a history far older than Hero Wars having first appeared
> in Cults of Prax. I shall only point out Waha being the men's
> god for the Praxians and Eiritha being a woman's god.

Well, Animists have far less access to and use of magic, so specialisation is more understandable. I never previously noticed any such male-only restriction on Orlanth (in fact, in the Orlanth pantheon the only gender restrictions were on female-only cults). It's going to mean a lot of changes to existing characters & campaigns.

> >ever more unrepresentative set of female characters (where there
> >any at all), with more and more Vingans and non-Ernaldans/Orlanthi.
> Unrepresentative of what?

Of the 15% in my next line of text. The PC percentages will be heavily skewed toward that 15%.

>There are female warriors in Orlanthi
> society but long ago it was stated (Genertela Pack) that it was
> largely a man's job. And it's not as if Vinga is undescribed
> anywhere as her cult is given in the rulebook.
> >That 15% is going to get a lot more noticeable.

> >walks of life, it provides not one female combat-oriented option,
> >without invoking the Orlanthi 'all' on the gender restriction (an
> >option nowhere actually stated).
> And likewise it provides not one Orlanthi healing cult. Cause for
> concern?

I hadn't noticed there being not a single Orlanthi cult with healing magic, but yes, it is cause for concern.


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