Re: TR: Multiple subcult question

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 14:15:21 -0800

> >From the rules, I understand that it's really quite ok to initiate
> to the "wrong" aspect of a subcult, e.g. Destor Thunderous or
> Hedkoranth Adventurous. This has the standard resource cost of
> 10% (pantheon) + 20% (initiate) = 30%.

Yep. The Heortlings see nothing wrong with this, though most people don't do it.

> How about joining another subcult, again from the wrong aspect,
> and a different aspect from the one worshipped?
> For example, the initiate of Hedkoranth Adventurous wishes to
> initiate to Helamakt Adventurous - What about this?
> Considering how subcult+wrong aspect works, the logical
> method seems to be 10% panth. + 20% initiate + 10% extra initiate.
> This would give the worshipper the affinities of O.Adv,
> Helamakt and Hedkoranth, but not the affinities of O.Thund.
> Now, enough with the logical stuff - what do the rules say? ;)

Well, you *could* wait until you buy the book....

The first Aspect+Subcult requires the normal 30% time requirements. If you choose another subcult of the *same* Aspect as the one you currently worship, then it's another 10% (you already know a bunch about the rites, you'll be attending the "right" ceremonies, etc.) If you choose a subcult from a *different* aspect, it's +20%.

Now, the "primary" subcult you chose doesn't really affect this - if you want Hedkoranth Adventurous, that's okay. If you also want to worship Helamakt (a Thunderous aspect subcult) you pay 20% - just because Helamakt and Hedkoranth are from the same Aspect originally, you don't get that break to 10% - *you* follow Adventurous. The priests probably look at you funny and say "you should have thought of that before you went the route of Orlanth Adventurous..."

You get the affinities of O. Adventurous, Helamakt and Hedkoranth. (TR page 68). You spend 50% of your time in service//worship. If you had stayed with Thundrous, you'd only pay 40%.

> I guess initiating to Hedkoranth Adventurous and Helamakt
> Thunderous would be 10% panth. + 20% initiate + 20% additional
> aspect % initiate. However, apart from the time cost, I don't
> like the idea of *having* to worship O.Thund. for this - after
> all, no-one can make you do anything.
> I'm perfectly happy with making house rules, but I'd appreciate
> if the official rules supported this kind of initiation.

Worshipping two [Aspect+Subcult]s is like worshipping two different gods - 60% of your time.


Worshipping two aspects is like worshipping two separate gods.

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