TR: Multiple subcult question

From: Markus Battarbee <battery_at_...>
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 20:57:11 +0200

Hello all,
My take on TR: Unbelievable. I'm almost certain a book this good *has* to break the cosmic compromise.

I've read a lot of it, but sadly don't have a copy yet, due to delays in it reaching retail outlets here. The question came up when we were playing around with the idea of converting RQ characters, but is a HW rules question.

>From the rules, I understand that it's really quite ok to initiate
to the "wrong" aspect of a subcult, e.g. Destor Thunderous or Hedkoranth Adventurous. This has the standard resource cost of 10% (pantheon) + 20% (initiate) = 30%.

How about joining another subcult, again from the wrong aspect, and a different aspect from the one worshipped? For example, the initiate of Hedkoranth Adventurous wishes to initiate to Helamakt Adventurous - What about this? Considering how subcult+wrong aspect works, the logical method seems to be 10% panth. + 20% initiate + 10% extra initiate. This would give the worshipper the affinities of O.Adv, Helamakt and Hedkoranth, but not the affinities of O.Thund.

Now, enough with the logical stuff - what do the rules say? ;)

I guess initiating to Hedkoranth Adventurous and Helamakt Thunderous would be 10% panth. + 20% initiate + 20% additional aspect % initiate. However, apart from the time cost, I don't like the idea of *having* to worship O.Thund. for this - after all, no-one can make you do anything.
I'm perfectly happy with making house rules, but I'd appreciate if the official rules supported this kind of initiation.


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